First expert guide to skateparks in Poland .

Techramps, na zlecenie Ministerstwa Sportu i Turystyki oraz we współpracy z Centrum Kontroli Placów Zabaw, opracowało praktyczny poradnik, który wyznacza nowe standardy projektowania i budowy skateparków.

Pobierz bezpłatnie na stronie Techramps.

First expert guide to skateparks in Poland .

Techramps, commissioned by the Ministry of Sport and Tourism and in collaboration with the Centre for Playground Control, has produced a practical guide that sets new standards for the design and construction of skateparks.

Download it free of charge from the Techramps website.

Our designers are active riders and skatepark users .

Our team is made up of highly qualified professionals with many years of experience in the sports facility design industry and, at the same time, people who are active users of these facilities on a daily basis. This helps us to tailor our designs to the needs of riders.

Largest concrete skatepark project - Minsk Mazowiecki .

We took care of preparing the project of the largest concrete skatepark in Minsk Mazowiecki! The area of the entire facility is as much as 2119 m2!

Over 800 concepts prepared! .

We have been active on the Polish and European market since 2012. During this time, we have developed more than 800 concepts for skateparks and other sports facilities such as pumptracks, flowparks and wakeparks.

Modernisation of the Year & 21st Century Construction Competition .

Our project for a skatepark in Brzeszcze won an honourable mention in the National Open Competition "Modernisation of the Year & 21st Century Construction" in the category "21st Century Construction".

Innovative design solutions .

In our work we are guided by experience, following the latest trends, competitions, riders, newly created facilities. We are known for introducing bold and innovative solutions to the Polish market, which allows us to create unique skateparks and recreational facilities.


Public consultations/lectures .

We are happy to share our experiences and show you the skatepark design process from A to Z. We also hold free consultations with young people. Such meetings allow us to choose the right obstacles, adapted to the sports discipline prevalent in the city and to fit the project into the city's budget.

Projektanci Slo Concept .

Działamy na polskim i europejskim rynku od 2003 roku. Wykonaliśmy ponad 800 koncepcji obiektów sportowych i rekreacyjnych. Nasz zespół projektowy to specjaliści z wieloletnim doświadczeniem w tej branży.









Slo Concept - skatepark projects and sports facilities

The Slo Concept brand has been operating on the Polish and European market since 2012. We have made about 900 concepts of skateparks and sports facilities. Our team are specialists with many years of experience in this field. Slo Concept design office performs projects of skateparks, pumptracks, wakeparks, waveparks, flowparks and multi-element, extended investments. We introduce bold and innovative solutions to the Polish market. Slo Concept is a design office for modern and professional facilities.

In such specific investments, attention to every detail is important, supported by knowledge not only of technical but also of gravity sports. Only such a combination makes it possible to carry out professional realisations tailored to the real expectations of the investor and users. This is why we provide advice and expertise to prepare concepts that are tailored to the surroundings and conditions. We are guided by the latest trends in the design of sports and leisure facilities.

The Slo Concept brand is part of the Techramps Group. Our group brings together brands specialising in the comprehensive development of sports and leisure facilities. Together, we carry out facilities from conception, design, production and installation. Each team has a separate specialisation. Close cooperation between the brands results in a rapid flow of knowledge, mutual complementarity and the possibility of rapid development of all elements of the group.

more than 900 concepts prepared